David 10th August 2021

In Celebration of John’s Life In 1973 I spent a six-month internship with Miller’s. John was one of the first Miller Executives I met along with Robin, Hugh and Nigel. He soon made me very comfortable in my new surroundings and introduced me to the ways of The City. This was the beginning of a professional and family friendship that went on for many happy decades. In 1992 John, Hazel, Sarah and Caroline lived in New York when John was mentoring me as I joined the Miller Partnership. The Jillings fit into New York City so easily and we shared many wonderful family outings and holidays. Professionally, I learned much from John’s years of experience and faultless judgement and long after he retired, when faced with a seemingly insurmountable problem, would ask myself, "What would John have done?” The Martowski’s join Hazel, Sarah, Caroline and all on August 25th in spirit in celebrating John’s life. David, Jeanne, Joanna and Sara